Wednesday, April 8, 2020

child abuse and elder abuse Essay Example

child abuse and elder abuse Essay Child Abuse and Elder Abuse Child Abuse Child abuse is any abnormal behavior, which is directed towards a child and it usually takes many forms. The different forms of child abuse are child sexual abuse, pedophilia, physical abuse, child neglect, emotional neglect and failure to thrive. Most of these forms of child abuse could be very direct while the others are not very direct. Therefore, the forms that are not direct usually require a person who is not biased of anything and qualified to prove that there is child abuse (Emedicinehealth, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The article â€Å"Morning the Life of a Beaten Toddler† describes a case of a child abuse, which was very horrific. It was a form of physical abuse where the foster mother companion of the child, Mrs. Oliver, beat her child who later died in the hospital. Mrs. Oliver was the companion of Ms Cummings who was the foster mother of the child. Mrs. Oliver used a metal rod or baseball bat to beat the child, who was eighteen months old, known as Louis Dewayne Mosely. The child, Mosely, sustained several injuries, which led to his death. â€Å"According to the police, Mosely, had been left in the care of Mr. Oliver, by Ms Cummings, the foster mother, in her apartment in Cypress Hill, Brooklyn† (Robbins, 2011). The most shocking part of the incident was that the child was only eighteen months and that he did not know anything and additionally, the child was very helpless, that is, he could defend himself from the activity. The form of child abuse, which was involved in this case, was physical abuse. This kind of abuse was very direct and the parent, Kysheen Oliver, intended to beat her child. Although, the reasons for beating her child are not yet known, there is no reason, which the mother can give to justify the acts of committing the horrific act of beating her child to death. It was clear that the mother used an object like that of a metal rod or a baseball bat to perform the physical abuse to the small child who was very helpless. In conjunction to the physical abuse of the child as form of child abuse, the foster mother also committed murder in the first degree. The medical examiners gave very conclusive results on how the boy died (Robbins, 2011). The boy died from injuries of the physical abuse, which were inflicted by the foster mother. Additionally, it can be said that the mother was not acting in defense of her dear life because she was beating a helpless child who did not understand what was happening and neither did the child have the ability to protect himself from the beating. To make matters worse the mother used an object to beat the small innocent boy. Therefore, the mother will have to answer on charges of child abuse in the form of physical abuse and committing murder. This kind of child abuse has affected several people who have been the victims of the death of the child. First, if the boy survived the physical abuse, he would have been affected very much. The boy would have grown up in fear and this could have even led to post-traumatic stress disorder due to the kind of physical abuse or violence that he has experienced in his life at that young age. Additionally, the social life of that boy could have been ruined because he would have lacked confidence in himself leading to him becoming a loner. However, since the young boy died, the victims of this physical abuse were the different people who attended the funeral and the foster father of the child, Mr. Oliver. First, Mr. Oliver has been hit by a lot of shock in disbelief due to the kind of abuse committed by his wife. He does not believe that his own wife whom he loved and trusted with their child could ever commit such a horrific crime towards their child. He has been affected emotionally and this will never live his mind. Additionally, the people who attended the funeral were hit by disbelief and they were emotionally disturbed that somebody could beat up a helpless child to death. However, it should not be forgotten that the mother of the child needs serious medical attention. Elder Abuse Elder abuse can be defined as any type harm, which is directed towards the older people. There are very many forms of elder abuse, which can be charged in a court of law. These forms of elder abuse are physical elder abuse, mental elder abuse, elder abuse neglect, and exploitation/financial elder abuse (Elder abuse foundation, 2011). They could be also direct or indirect where they need a person who is not biased and is very professional in determining whether there has been a form of elder abuse. It is worth noting that elder abuse occurs to those people who are elderly like the grandfathers and grandmothers. An example of a good case is in the article â€Å"Facing Up to Elder Abuse,† which was in the New York Times. The case is about an elderly person who was being abused by her own son. The elder woman, Anne DeBraw, describes the abuse, which has being going on for a couple of years (LeDuff, 1997). She remembers one incident when she was walking home and heard the footsteps of the prowler her roof. It was very dark and therefore, she could not clearly see who it was. Suddenly the prowler jumped from the roof towards her and attacked her. When the elderly woman is giving her story, she burst into tears because of the way she has been so terrified of the prowler and yet she could do nothing because the prowler was her own son (LeDuff, 1997). The prowler used to beat her and inflict injuries on her body. This had being going on for quite some time and she used to stay in fear without any help in her own home. The form of elder abuse involved in the case is physical elder abuse. The prowler has been attacking the elderly woman, his mother, by beating her up and causing physical bodily harm. The woman is about seventy-nine years old, making it a form of elder abuse. It makes it an elderly abuse because the prowler did this intentionally and the old woman did not provoke her in doing this. The most horrific thing is that the prowler beat up his biological mother causing injuries without even caring for her or having any feelings. On the same case, another form of elder abuse is the elder abuse neglect. The son shows this where he has neglected his own mother to the point of beating her up (LeDuff, 1997). This means that the son does not care about her mother in the fact that she is not able to do some of the things that she used to do to him when she was taking care of him as a child. Instead of helping her, he continuously beat her without any reason. This kind of neglect is the one that is making the elderly woman not to be able in protecting herself or even going forward and reporting this to the police. This is because the person who was supposed to be protecting her as neglected her and instead he is beating her up. Therefore, in a court of law, her son should be charged with elder abuse neglect because of the kind of treatment he accords to her own mother. To some point of view, it might be direct therefore, a professional person should be appointed to evaluate this form of elder abuse. Additionally, her son should be charged with physical elder abuse. This form of abuse is very direct because the evidence, which has been brought forward, is very direct. Lastly, the son can be charged committing assault on his mother. This is where he beats her mother intentionally. This elder abuse usually contains some effects, which affects the victims. In this case, the elderly woman is the victim of the case, she is very much affected by the situation to appoint where, and when she is telling the story, she burst into tears. This elderly woman has undergone serious emotional stress where she leaves in fear in her on home. Additionally, the woman is in shock because she cannot believe that her own son who she has brought up into a grown young man can beat her up without even having any feelings for her (LeDuff, 1997). Lastly, the old woman is very much affected because the people who are supposed to be protecting her and taking care of her have neglected her. Therefore, the old woman will continue to stay in constant fear not unless she gets medical help. References Elder abuse foundation, (April 20, 2011). Forms of Elder Abuse. Elder Abuse Foundation. Retrieved from: Emedicinehealth, (April 20, 2011). Child Abuse. WebMD Inc. Retrieved from: LeDuff, C., (August 24, 1997). Facing Up to Elder Abuse. The New York Times. Retrieved from: Robbins, L. (April 6, 2011). Morning the short life of a beaten toddler. The New York Times. Retrieved from: child abuse and elder abuse Essay Example child abuse and elder abuse Essay Child Abuse and Elder Abuse Child Abuse Child abuse is any abnormal behavior, which is directed towards a child and it usually takes many forms. The different forms of child abuse are child sexual abuse, pedophilia, physical abuse, child neglect, emotional neglect and failure to thrive. Most of these forms of child abuse could be very direct while the others are not very direct. Therefore, the forms that are not direct usually require a person who is not biased of anything and qualified to prove that there is child abuse (Emedicinehealth, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on child abuse and elder abuse specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The article â€Å"Morning the Life of a Beaten Toddler† describes a case of a child abuse, which was very horrific. It was a form of physical abuse where the foster mother companion of the child, Mrs. Oliver, beat her child who later died in the hospital. Mrs. Oliver was the companion of Ms Cummings who was the foster mother of the child. Mrs. Oliver used a metal rod or baseball bat to beat the child, who was eighteen months old, known as Louis Dewayne Mosely. The child, Mosely, sustained several injuries, which led to his death. â€Å"According to the police, Mosely, had been left in the care of Mr. Oliver, by Ms Cummings, the foster mother, in her apartment in Cypress Hill, Brooklyn† (Robbins, 2011). The most shocking part of the incident was that the child was only eighteen months and that he did not know anything and additionally, the child was very helpless, that is, he could defend himself from the activity. The form of child abuse, which was involved in this case, was physical abuse. This kind of abuse was very direct and the parent, Kysheen Oliver, intended to beat her child. Although, the reasons for beating her child are not yet known, there is no reason, which the mother can give to justify the acts of committing the horrific act of beating her child to death. It was clear that the mother used an object like that of a metal rod or a baseball bat to perform the physical abuse to the small child who was very helpless. In conjunction to the physical abuse of the child as form of child abuse, the foster mother also committed murder in the first degree. The medical examiners gave very conclusive results on how the boy died (Robbins, 2011). The boy died from injuries of the physical abuse, which were inflicted by the foster mother. Additionally, it can be said that the mother was not acting in defense of her dear life because she was beating a helpless child who did not understand what was happening and neither did the child have the ability to protect himself from the beating. To make matters worse the mother used an object to beat the small innocent boy. Therefore, the mother will have to answer on charges of child abuse in the form of physical abuse and committing murder. This kind of child abuse has affected several people who have been the victims of the death of the child. First, if the boy survived the physical abuse, he would have been affected very much. The boy would have grown up in fear and this could have even led to post-traumatic stress disorder due to the kind of physical abuse or violence that he has experienced in his life at that young age. Additionally, the social life of that boy could have been ruined because he would have lacked confidence in himself leading to him becoming a loner. However, since the young boy died, the victims of this physical abuse were the different people who attended the funeral and the foster father of the child, Mr. Oliver. First, Mr. Oliver has been hit by a lot of shock in disbelief due to the kind of abuse committed by his wife. He does not believe that his own wife whom he loved and trusted with their child could ever commit such a horrific crime towards their child. He has been affected emotionally and this will never live his mind. Additionally, the people who attended the funeral were hit by disbelief and they were emotionally disturbed that somebody could beat up a helpless child to death. However, it should not be forgotten that the mother of the child needs serious medical attention. Elder Abuse Elder abuse can be defined as any type harm, which is directed towards the older people. There are very many forms of elder abuse, which can be charged in a court of law. These forms of elder abuse are physical elder abuse, mental elder abuse, elder abuse neglect, and exploitation/financial elder abuse (Elder abuse foundation, 2011). They could be also direct or indirect where they need a person who is not biased and is very professional in determining whether there has been a form of elder abuse. It is worth noting that elder abuse occurs to those people who are elderly like the grandfathers and grandmothers. An example of a good case is in the article â€Å"Facing Up to Elder Abuse,† which was in the New York Times. The case is about an elderly person who was being abused by her own son. The elder woman, Anne DeBraw, describes the abuse, which has being going on for a couple of years (LeDuff, 1997). She remembers one incident when she was walking home and heard the footsteps of the prowler her roof. It was very dark and therefore, she could not clearly see who it was. Suddenly the prowler jumped from the roof towards her and attacked her. When the elderly woman is giving her story, she burst into tears because of the way she has been so terrified of the prowler and yet she could do nothing because the prowler was her own son (LeDuff, 1997). The prowler used to beat her and inflict injuries on her body. This had being going on for quite some time and she used to stay in fear without any help in her own home. The form of elder abuse involved in the case is physical elder abuse. The prowler has been attacking the elderly woman, his mother, by beating her up and causing physical bodily harm. The woman is about seventy-nine years old, making it a form of elder abuse. It makes it an elderly abuse because the prowler did this intentionally and the old woman did not provoke her in doing this. The most horrific thing is that the prowler beat up his biological mother causing injuries without even caring for her or having any feelings. On the same case, another form of elder abuse is the elder abuse neglect. The son shows this where he has neglected his own mother to the point of beating her up (LeDuff, 1997). This means that the son does not care about her mother in the fact that she is not able to do some of the things that she used to do to him when she was taking care of him as a child. Instead of helping her, he continuously beat her without any reason. This kind of neglect is the one that is making the elderly woman not to be able in protecting herself or even going forward and reporting this to the police. This is because the person who was supposed to be protecting her as neglected her and instead he is beating her up. Therefore, in a court of law, her son should be charged with elder abuse neglect because of the kind of treatment he accords to her own mother. To some point of view, it might be direct therefore, a professional person should be appointed to evaluate this form of elder abuse. Additionally, her son should be charged with physical elder abuse. This form of abuse is very direct because the evidence, which has been brought forward, is very direct. Lastly, the son can be charged committing assault on his mother. This is where he beats her mother intentionally. This elder abuse usually contains some effects, which affects the victims. In this case, the elderly woman is the victim of the case, she is very much affected by the situation to appoint where, and when she is telling the story, she burst into tears. This elderly woman has undergone serious emotional stress where she leaves in fear in her on home. Additionally, the woman is in shock because she cannot believe that her own son who she has brought up into a grown young man can beat her up without even having any feelings for her (LeDuff, 1997). Lastly, the old woman is very much affected because the people who are supposed to be protecting her and taking care of her have neglected her. Therefore, the old woman will continue to stay in constant fear not unless she gets medical help. References Elder abuse foundation, (April 20, 2011). Forms of Elder Abuse. Elder Abuse Foundation. Retrieved from: Emedicinehealth, (April 20, 2011). Child Abuse. WebMD Inc. Retrieved from: LeDuff, C., (August 24, 1997). Facing Up to Elder Abuse. The New York Times. Retrieved from: Robbins, L. (April 6, 2011). Morning the short life of a beaten toddler. The New York Times. Retrieved from:

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