Sunday, November 17, 2019

Best Vacation Essay Example for Free

Best Vacation Essay Are you in the mood to relax, take in the sun, and have people cater to you? If so, you should take my advice and go on a cruise. My family and I took a four-day, three-night cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Sovereign of the Seas three years ago and it was the best vacation we have ever had. Nothing else mattered but what was in that moment. Though getting to the ship took a lot of time, the cruise was a place to get away, have no worries, and feel like a queen. I packed, wondering if I had forgotten anything I would need and thought to myself, is it worth all this hassle? My family and I planned to drive from Austin, Texas, to Galveston, Texas and stop in Texas City, Texas for the night. We did not want to waste a moment of our vacation so we stopped and visited our family in different towns on the way. We arrived at Texas City that night, rented a room and went right to bed. The drive had exhausted all of us and all we could think about was a good night’s sleep and the hopes of a better, less exhausting day tomorrow. We got up the next morning around six a. m. ate breakfast, and got on the road to the ship. Finally, we made it. There it was, the biggest ship I had ever seen in my life. It was a city on water. We checked in and walked into the main lobby of the ship. When we entered, my family and I looked at each other as if to say â€Å"Oh my god. Do we belong here? This is the classiest place I have ever seen. † A gentleman who reassured us we were in the correct place greeted us. He made us feel as if he would have spent all day with us just making sure we had everything we needed. We then went to our room and found chocolates on our pillows, a cute monkey made out of towels hanging from the ceiling, and a mini bar full of all the drinks we could drink. We all knew that at this moment we were going to have a vacation of a lifetime. That evening we spent the rest of the day exploring the ship as if it was a maze that needed solving. The next morning my family and I decided to have breakfast. There were so many places to choose from it was hard to decide. We could dine at one of the buffets, in a formal dining room, or out on the deck. We finally made the choice to dine in one of the formal dining rooms. At once, a waiter was at our table assuring us we were the most important customers he had and anything we needed was his pleasure to provide. After breakfast, we spent that first day going in and out of shops and resting on the deck looking out over the ocean. At this point, we were so relaxed we felt like we could melt. There were no worries here and the hardest job we had was deciding what to wear that day. I wondered if this is the way the rich and famous feel. The next day was a very exciting day for us. We were stopping at Cocoa Cay, a small private island. My family was ready to explore and I was ready for the snorkeling excursion. Everyone loaded up on small boats and little by little, we all made it to the island. As soon as I stepped off the boat, I stepped into sand that was as white as snow. The water was crystal clear like the water coming from a mountain spring. My family hurried away to start exploring and I headed for the snorkeling gear. I put all the gear on and into the translucent water I dove. As I submerged myself into this undersea world all the sounds around me ceased. I could hear the heart beat of the ocean swishing around me. As I looked around, I noticed the colors were shimmering in this underwater world. I could see luminously colored fish and coral all around me. Spectacularly colored fish of all shapes and sizes swam around me as if to say hello. I caught a glimpse of a stingray as he glided by aimlessly. The next day we woke up with a sense of wretchedness. It was our last day and we were not looking forward to going back to our everyday life. We were treated as if we were royalty and hated to give this up. We went back home to the same routine. We had to go back to work and do our daily chores. I caught myself daydreaming about the cruise and the carefree life we experienced there. If anyone would like to relax, take in the sun, and have people cater to you, a cruise is definitely the vacation you should choose.

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