Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Euthanasia in the United States - 1214 Words

Euthanasia in the United States The frail woman lay on her bed, chatting quietly with her grandchild. They had spent the day talking about unicorns, Cinderella, and the olden days. As they conversed, the womans daughter looked on. She nodded to the doctor, and by the end of the evening the joyful spirit of old woman was gone. Euthanasia is a practice that has become more common than realized in the United States. Various states in the Union have tried to legalize euthanasia within the past few years. Those states include Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, New York, Washington, California and Oregon. North Carolina, Utah and Wyoming do not necessarily ban physician-assisted suicide. Euthanasia is criminalized in the remaining states†¦show more content†¦A Right to Life lawyer named Annette Patterson said: Its becoming the abortion issue of the next century and just as nasty. Yet it is even more important because how we die concerns everyone (Johnson 31). There is a strong element of truth in this statemen t. Even though a miniscule percentage of people would ever request assistance in dying, to legalize controlled euthanasia would create a wide doorway for open and uncontrolled physician-assisted suicide (Meier 37). Oregons Death with Dignity law, effective since November 4, 1997, did exactly that (Oregon 41). God wants the sanctity of life to be upheld at every cost, no matter the circumstances surrounding the issue. In our modern world, people only think of themselves and their own selfish desires, not necessarily for the good of anothers life. To love someone is to help that person improve the condition of life, not destroy it because it was a personal choice. In Matthew 24:12, it states that And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold (Matthew). America has become as selfish nation that harbors sin, and is therefore looking for a way to eliminate those who need her help the most. The Death with Dignity law is based off Netherlands laws on euthanasia enfo rcement and regulations (Oregon 52). It is now the basis for many stateside proposals, such as Californias, on euthanasia (Johnson 33). It has several requirements, such as a waiting timeShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia in the United States2720 Words   |  11 PagesEuthanasia for the Elderly in the United States Hannah Pate An issue facing much of today’s elderly and terminally ill populations is that of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. Several countries, most notably the Netherlands, has legalized euthanasia and physician assisted suicide leading to what is now referred to as â€Å"death tourism†. People from across the world are traveling to place with legalized euthanasia, like the Netherlands, in order to end their lives through assisted suicideRead MoreEuthanasia Is The United States Of America861 Words   |  4 PagesDictionary, euthanasia is ‘the act or practice of killing someone who is very sick or injured in order to prevent any more suffering.’ Understandably, one suffering from a terminal illness such as AIDS, cancer, or Alzheimer’s, may think it best to put an end to their agony as soon as possible. Although it can be argued that there may be good intentions in carrying out this â€Å"mercy killing†, they do not change the fact that euth anasia is murder and should remain illegal in the United States of AmericaRead MoreA Brief Note On Euthanasia And The United States882 Words   |  4 PagesHistory of Euthanasia in the U.S. Euthanasia is the act or practice, killing of permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy killing. Far more controversial, active euthanasia involves causing the death of a person through a direct action. In response to a request from the person. Euthanasia itself been around for as long as the history of medicine. This euthanasia is enormous and have long history in the United States. This soRead MoreDeath Of The United States Should Legalize Active Voluntary Euthanasia1200 Words   |  5 PagesThe democracy of the United States should legalize active voluntary euthanasia (AVE), active non-voluntary euthanasia (NVAE), and physician-assisted suicide/death (PAS/PAD), in cases where the patient has a terminal illness, unbearable pain, or are in a vegetative state with no chance of being revived. AVE is defined as â€Å"the intentional and painless ‘mercy driven’ termination of a consenting rational person’s life†¦Ã¢â‚¬  NVAE is conjugately defined as â€Å"the termination of an incompetent individual s existenceRead MoreEuthanasia Should Be Legalized And The United States As A Last Resort For The Terminally Ill1760 Words   |  8 Pagesthem, which is considered Euthanasia. The practice of Euthanasia should be legalized and provided in the United States as a last resort for the terminally-ill. Euthanasia debates originate all the way from the perspectives and condemnation by Christians in the Roman Empire. The word euthanasia comes â€Å"from the Greek words eu, meaning good, and thanatos, meaning death† (McDougall 148). The different types of Euthanasia explain the action taking place such as passive Euthanasia, â€Å"to end a person lifeRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?1220 Words   |  5 Pagesincurable patients, it is rarely known that Euthanasia, a termination of one’s life with his/her self-willingness, is a release of permanent pain. On the other hand, it is committed by the doctors. Among Voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary Euthanasia, only is Voluntary Euthanasia being universally concerned by human beings. Various fascinating facts, Australia has already approved this act and many people from other countries have also committed Euthanasia. Regarding this topic, people have beenRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?907 Words   |  4 Pagesreference for the ethical standards that medical practitioners follow in the United States. One statement seen in the oath is that â€Å"[a physician] will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel†(â€Å"The Hippocratic Oath†), directly refuting the morality of voluntary active euthanasia, which is a highly contentious issue in the United States. Voluntary active euthanasia is currently illegal in the United States. However, I believe that patients with terminal illnesses experiencingRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized? Essay1200 Words   |  5 Pagesmaintaining existence without regard for its condition is a degradation of the meaning of life, not a promotion of it (Cockeram 33) .† Many adults perceive euthanasia as a murderous act that involves cruel and unusual pain; when in fact, it is usually a method that helps the individual reach their demise in a less miserable manor. Immigrants to the United States are incl ined to become a citizen, not for the beautiful geography, but because the U.S. is one of the few countries that gives everyone freedom establishedRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?1039 Words   |  5 Pagesnow, and why is he not offered the option of euthanasia? Because of these reasons: it is illegal in 49 of the states of the United States, except Oregon, since 1828, when the first known anti-euthanasia law was passed in the state of New York. In Oregon, the law states that once a terminally ill adult requests euthanasia, two physicians must agree that the patient is sane and has less than six months to live. Euthanasia is illegal because the United States is based on puritan beliefs that dictate thatRead MoreEuthanasia Is The Painless Killing Of Someone1408 Words   |  6 Pageswithout pain? Euthanasia is the painless killing of someone that is suffering from a disease or something that is incurable. â€Å"The concept of dying with one’s personhood intact is o ften referred to as a â€Å"Socratic death.† In today’s parlance, it is often called â€Å"dying with dignity† (â€Å"Dying with Dignity† 1996; Solovy 1999)† (Patel 38). In Greek, euthanasia literally means a good death. There are also many different versions of euthanasia. The one that is legal in the United States is physician aid

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Analysis of How Fear of the Unknown Affects Characters...

An Analysis of How Fear of the Unknown Affects Characters in Hamlet Hamlets famous To be or not to be soliloquy in Act 3, Scene 1 provides the context for several of the characters actions. It is a soliloquy about fearing the unknown that lies waiting on the other side of the grave (are we punished and/or rewarded according to our actions on earth?) and as Hamlet reasons, Conscience does make cowards of us all (3.1.2). In other words, Hamlet feels that he is unable to act because of the haunting voice of doubt inside him. He doubts that he would find peace in the afterlife should he kill himself. He doubts the events he sees before his very eyes and so cannot exact revenge as the spirit of his father urges him to do. Yet, as Hamlet begins to unravel, other characters expose their doubts as well, revealing how they too are troubled by the unknown. King Claudius reveals his troubled conscience after witnessing the play and wonders what he has done; Hamlets mother tries to block out the reality of the situation she has entered into when Hamlet attacks her with what he knows (not knowing is better than knowing, she feels). This paper will examine the ways in which the unknown affects the actions of the characters in Hamlet and show that at the heart of each character is an unwillingness to confront the unknown (which is oftentimes themselves). Fear of the unknown arises in the very beginning scene of the play with the appearance of the ghost of Hamlets father.Show MoreRelatedInsane Characters In Edgar Allan Poe And The Shining By Stephen King1569 Words   |  7 PagesDrawn to the Unknown Insane characters add a thrilling and exciting twist on stories such as Tell Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe and The Shining by Stephen King. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Nature of Accounts free essay sample

This is easily handled in T-accounts by designating that additions are to be recorded on one side of the vertical line and subtractions on the other. By convention, assets are increased by entries on the left side of the account and are decreased by entries on the right side of the account. Entries to liability and stockholders’ equity accounts are handled in the reverse manner. They are increased by entries on the right side and are decreased by entries on the left side. These rules may be summarized as follows: †¢Assets are increased by entries on the left side. †¢Assets are decreased by entries on the right side. Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity are increased by entries on the right side. †¢Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity are decreased by entries on the left side. All one has to remember is that increases for assets are reported on the left side of the account and are the opposite of increases for liabilities and stockholders’ eq uities, and that decreases for any account are the opposite of increases for that account. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature of Accounts or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The process of recording transactions consists of determining what accounts are affected, whether they are asset or liability and equity accounts, and whether they are to be increased or decreased. With this information, any transaction can be recorded. †¢Debits and Credits. It is awkward to speak of entries â€Å"to the left side of an account† and entries â€Å"to the right side of an account. † This difficulty can be eliminated by using a specialized terminology. Thus, instead of entries to the left side of an account, the accountant speaks of debits (abbreviated Dr. ); instead of entries to the right side of an account, the accountant speaks of credits (abbreviated Cr. ). These are the primary definitions of debits and credits. One is likely to run into confusion attempting to infer any other meaning for these terms. The most useful definition is that a debit is an entry to the left side of an account. It follows that a credit is an entry to the right side of an account. †¢Keying Transactions. When several transactions are involved, it is convenient to place a number identifying each transaction in the T-account near the dollar amount. This procedure is called keying the transaction. Keying facilitates cross-references and aids in checking the recording process. Transactions should always be keyed. Reference link: http://classof1. com/homework-help/accounting-homework-help

Monday, December 2, 2019

Weirich Casesolutions Essay Example

Weirich Casesolutions Paper Julie now wonders how to disclose this prior period adjustment in its current years Statement of Cash Flows, Case 12 Solution: Problem Identification: How should a company disclose prior period adjustments in its Statements of Cash V-lows? Keywords: prior period adjustments; retained earnings; Statement of Cash Flows. Conclusion: Per ASS 250-10-50-9, Julie should disclose the effect of a prior period adjustment (for a single periods financial statement) as an adjustment in the opening balance in retained earnings-? plus make adequate footnote disclosures of the reasons for and effect of the adjustment. Moreover, per 230-10-50-3, Julie should also disclose information about investing and financing activities that did not result in cash receipts for the current period. Thus, Julie should also disclose the differences in the account balances of the two consecutive balance sheets both in the statement of cash flows and in an appropriate footnote. Case 13: The Heather Companys fiscal year ends on June 30. Its employees (With at least three months Of experience) are entitled to 12 paid sick days annually for each calenderer beginning on January I. An employee not taking his/her earned sick days would receive moment thereon on December 31 of that year. How should Heather record and measure such a liability as Of June 30th? Case 13 Solution: Problem Identification: Should Heather recognize any liability for the above potential contingency, and, if so, how should it measure and record it? Keywords: Contingency; compensated absence; matching concept. We will write a custom essay sample on Weirich Casesolutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Weirich Casesolutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Weirich Casesolutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Conclusion: Per ASS 710-10-25-1 , if : (a) the employees have worked the required time periods to earn the compensated sick pay; (b) these rights are vested; (c) payment of compensation is probable; and (d) the amount can be reasonably estimated, he liability exists, These conclusions follow reasonable and probable criteria to SEAS No. 5, pars. 5 and 22, which also require measuring the past History to employees using these benefits (e. G. , also consider employee turnover). In this above, relatively simple example, an employee who used tour days of vacation would be entitled to eight more-?i. E. , the balance that Heather must accrue, However, if, the employer plan were based upon an accrual concept, it would pro rate the uneaten days for the remainder of yean Case 14: Alex Corporation is planning this year to present comparative income statements but only the rent years balance sheet. James Johnston, president of Alex Corporation requests your advice as to whether comparative cash flow statements for both the current and prior periods are necessary considering only the current years balance sheet is presented. Are there any authoritative pronouncements that address this issue that you could present to Mr.. Johnston? Case 14 Solution: Problem Identification: The issue is whether comparative cash flow statements are necessary when comparative income statements are presented, but only a single year balance sheet is also presented. Key Words: imperative statements, cash flow statements Conclusion: ASS 230-1 C. 1 5-3 states that a business enterprise that reports both financial position and results of operations shall also provide a statement of cash flows for each period for which results of operations are provided. Therefore, comparative cash flow statements need also be presented, Case 15: A new client for your firm is Sam Jones who is preparing personal financial statements for a bank loan, Mr.. Jones is attempting to list his social security benefits to be received based on his future elite expectancy as an asset on his financial statements, Mr.. Jones states that such benefits meet the definition of an asset. Would you agree to allow the social security benefits to be listed as an asset? Case IS; Solution Problem identification: The issue is feather social security benefits to be received based on ones future life expectancy should be considered an asset on personal financial statements. Key Words: assets, personal financial statements Conclusion: ASS 274-10-35-11 states that unforgettable rights to receive future sums must meet certain criteria to qualify as an asset One criteria states that the rights must not be contingent on the individuals life expectancy or the currency of a particular event, such as disability or death. Since social security benefits are contingent on ones life expectancy, such benefits do not qualify to be listed as assets on ones personal financial statements. Case 16: Albright Inc. Has recently issued a stock dividend to its existing stockholders. As a result of the issuance of the stock dividend the market price of the stock declined 25%. Albright has requested your assistance as to treating this stock dividend as a stock split. Would this be acceptable under GAP? Case 16: Solution Problem identification: The issue for this case is whether a 10% stock dividend hat reduces the market price of the stock can be accounted for as a stock split. Key Words: Stock dividends, stock splits Conclusion: ASS 505-20-25-1 through 25-3 state that to treat the 10% stock dividend as a stock split, Albright would need to demonstrate that the additional shares issued is large enough to materially influence the unit market price of the stock. Case 17: Horizons Inc. Has agreed to sell an investment in a subsidiary that has been accounted for on the equity method of accounting to a minority stockholder in exchange for the stockholders share in Horizons. Since the fair alee of the investment exceeds its book value, Horizons CEO is considering recognizing a gain on the exchange. However, the new SCOFF at Horizons is recommending to the board of directors that the excess from the exchange be accounted as a credit to equity. Horizons turns to you for advice! Case 17: Solution Problem identification: The problem under review in this case is whether a gain on a monetary exchange can be recorded. Key Words: Monetary exchange, monetary asset, or nonreciprocal transfer Conclusion: ASS 845-10-30-1 States that a transfer Of a monetary asset is a nonreciprocal ranges and should be recorded at the fair value of the asset transferred, and that a gain or loss should be recognized on the disposition Of the asset. ADVANCED ACCOUNTING ; cases Case 1: Rosier Corporation has 70% of the outstanding voting stock of Smith Corporation and of the voting stock of Tommy Corporation. Smith also just spent $10,000 to acquire 20% of Tommys voting stock. Smith has issued irrevocable letters of credit to guarantee Totems notes payable. In the current year, Tommy lost $100,000, How should the parties report the above arrangements in its consolidated financial statements? Case 1 Solution: robber Identification: How should guarantees among related (but not fully owned) parties be disclosed in both their consolidated and separate financial statements? Keywords: Control; consolidated financial statements; related part/ transactions: gain and loss contingencies. Conclusion: First, Smiths share of Tommys net losses (20% of $100,000 520,000) exceeds its cost basis of Tommy ($10,000). Per 430-30-25-1, entities should normally not recognize gain contingencies. Thus, the guarantee should not be recognized in Rookies or Totems financial statements-?other than through disclosures in the footnotes. Similarly, per 810-10-45-7, in the unusual case in which losses applicable to the minority interest in a subsidiary exceed the minority interest in the equity capital, such excess should be charged against the majority interest. Per ASS 810-10-45-21, losses excess, and any further losses, shall be attributed to those interests even if that attribution results in a deficit noncontributing interest balance. Case 2: Joe Brock owns 10,000 of the 60,000 outstanding shares of Big Corporation; Leslie Ross own 20,000 shares; Mark Jones and his twin brother Sam each own 5. 000 shares; and about 300 other shareholders own the remaining 0,000 shares-?with no one other shareholder owning more than 1,000 shares. According to the provisions of SEAS 94, since Leslie owns half of the outstanding shares, he, in general, controls Big Corporation and, thus, should consolidate his interest with that of the corporation, However, Joe Brock is unhappy with Marks management decisions and plans to challenge his authority. What factors arise in considering if a minority investor can maintain such control or even prevent others from exercising such control? Case 2 Solution: problem Identification: Can corporate control rest with others besides the sorority owner? What factors should we examine to make such a determination? Should we separately analyze situations where the minority shareholder seeks actual control, or (merely) wishes to Veto another party (e. G. , majority shareholder) from exercising this control? Key. fords: Consolidated financial statements; consolidation (of majority owned subsidiaries); contingencies; related parties; accounting changes. Conclusion: Per ASS 810-10-25-1 through 25-14, deciding if a minority shareholder can overcome the presumption that the majority shareholder maintains this control depends on many facts and judgments. First, can the minority shareholder participate, veto, or cause certain operating ordinary operating (e. G. , Which bank to hold corporate assets) (i. E. , which it calls protective rights) and long-term (e. G. , who sets top managements salary and Which tender Offer to acquire the company to accept) (i. E. , Which it calls participating rights) management decisions to occur. Other factors include restating prior years financial statements if control passes to the minority shareholder; and does the minority shareholder control technology or customers of crucial interest to the company. Case 3: The Treasury Department of Drop Motors invests excess funds daily (e. G. , in foreign currencies). It, thus, earns profits and losses, which are included in the companys consolidated financial statements. Should Drop consider its Treasury operations as a (distinct) segment in preparing its external financial statements? Case 3 Solution: problem Identification: Should corporate divisions that generate revenues and expenses qualify as an operating segment tort financial statement purposes? Keywords: Segment; operating division. Conclusion: Per ASS 280-10-50-1 all operating segments can be reported parallel if they meet the guidelines: it generates revenues and expenses that a corporate decision-maker reviews, and has discrete financial information available. However, management should also believe that such additional information can contribute to outside readers and users better understanding the enterprises operations. Case 4: The Built-well Construction Company is building a hospital for a third party. As such it borrows substantial funds from a foreign bank and repays the required interest costs as scheduled. Bulletin also incurs some foreign currency truncation gains and losses on these transactions. Bulletin properly amortizes the interest costs over the life Of the construction project, but would now also like to amortize the associated foreign currency transaction gains and losses as well. Can Bulletin amortize such costs? Case 4 Problem Identification: Should a construction company amortize or expense the gains and losses of foreign currency transaction gains and losses expended while a building was under construction? Keywords: Foreign currency translation; capitalization (of interest costs). Conclusion: Although Bulletin apparently correctly amortized interest costs during construction-?per the provisions of ASS 35, it cannot amortize such foreign currency transaction gains and losses. Per ASS 830-20-35-1, increases or decreases in expected functional currency cash flows become foreign currency transaction gains or losses, i. E. , period costs. Case 5: Tony Computer Services Corporation trades 50% of its common stock for the rights to certain computer programs of the Janet Corporation. Janet previously expensed such costs of developing these computer programs. Tony concurrently sold the other interest in its stock to the Jennet Company for Tony later acquired another the rights to the udder Computer Companys computer programs in exchange for stock valued at $1 Tony, thus, debited Investments in Subsidiaries and credited Earnings for $1. 5 million to reflect this latest transaction. How should Tonys consolidated financial statement reflect the value of the expensed computer programs? Case 5 Problem Identification: Should Tony recognize the value of the acquired computer programs, or should these results be consolidated, i. E. , eliminated?